Choral CD
As a listening companion to the Come and Rejoice Gift Book, this Choral CD of 50+ minutes of music includes ten great hymns of faith featuring the London Philharmonic Orchestra! Hidden Pearls: Come and Rejoice is a beautiful collection of hymns—with lyrics telling the story of the divine romance between God and His people. You will discover the power and beauty of these hymns, and the brand-new arrangements, adorned with glorious, heartfelt singing, will captivate you. Experience these pearls of great worth at the office, in your car, or in special times of celebration—or just enjoy them in the quiet of your home. Make their joyful response your own!

A beautifully illustrated 144-page Gift Book includes a Choral CD of 50+ minutes of music featuring the London Philharmonic Orchestra! Hidden Pearls: Come and Rejoice is a collection of ten great hymns of faith and their inspiring, untold stories. This beautiful collection of hidden pearls tells the story of a divine romance that exists between God and His people. Each chapter includes the hymn lyrics, encouraging devotions, and the hymn authors' spiritual experiences—whether those of sweet tenderness, spiritual warfare, or of deep suffering. These experiences became the press from which the wine of their poetic utterances poured forth. As you read through the pages of Hidden Pearls, listen to the companion CD featuring the London Philharmonic Orchestra. You will discover the power and beauty of these hymns, devotions, and compelling stories. The brand-new arrangements, adorned with glorious, heartfelt singing, will captivate you. Experience these pearls of great worth in both word and song and make their joyful response your own!